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جنین اهدایی

Donated embryo

In some cases, the only way to get pregnant is to donate a fetus. After receiving a letter from a specialist and going to the prosecutor’s office, the couple will apply for a permit, and

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یائسگی زودرس

Premature menopause

What is premature menopause? Premature ovarian failure Premature menopause or premature ovarian failure are generally used to describe the same condition. One of the major differences between natural menopause and premature menopause is that natural

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Infertility in women

women in infertility and can have different reasons such as: Causes of infertility in women Age Age-related changes, such as reduced ovarian reserve, may lead to increased infertility. Fertility in women begins to decline after

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داروهای گیاهی

Herbal Medicines

Scientific evidence has shown no beneficial use of herbal medicines in the treatment of infertility. In fact, the use of herbal remedies can sometimes reduce the chances of pregnancy in the treatment of infertility, especially

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Infertility in men

infertility in men and those factors and problems that are related to men in infertility and can have various reasons such as: Varicocele Varicocele or testicular varicose veins are the most common disease in men

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سندرم روکی‌ تانسکی

Rokitansky syndrome

This syndrome is a transcendental disorder that has the following characteristics: These patients do not have a vagina, cervix or uterus. One in 5,000 women suffers from this disorder. Bone, hearing and kidney problems are

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درصد موفقیت IVF

IVF success rate

In general, the success rate of IVF depends on two very important factors: “quality” and “quantity” of the egg. The quality of the egg depends directly on the woman’s age, as the quality of the

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