Hysteroscopy is a procedure in which a device with a small diameter is inserted into the uterus. This device has a light and a small camera that allows the doctor to see the inner parts of the uterus, this method has both diagnostic and therapeutic aspects.
Diagnostic hysteroscopy
• Identify the cause of recurrent miscarriages
• Diagnosis of certain conditions, such as polyps and fibroids, which are non-cancerous masses in the uterus.
• Investigate fertility issues and problems
• Examination of pelvic pain
Surgical hysteroscopy
• Eliminate adhesions caused by infection or surgery, which can interrupt the menstrual cycle and cause fertility problems.
• Determine the location of the IUD
• Removal of fibroids and uterine polyps
• Perform tissue biopsy for further examination under a microscope
Preparing before hysteroscopy
Women should have a pregnancy test a week before the hysteroscopy, and it is recommended that they use contraception during this time, as this procedure is not recommended for pregnant women.
If the goal of this procedure is to remove the fibroid, medications will be given to the patient before the test to reduce the size of the fibroids.
It is recommended that smoking be stopped before hysteroscopy to speed up the healing process.
Contraindications to the use of hysteroscopy
• Pregnant women
• Women with uterine and vaginal cancer
• Cervical obstruction and stenosis
Hysteroscopic procedure
• The doctor first holds the uterus open using a device called a speculum. Just like what a gynecologist does on an examination.
• The doctor then inserts the hysteroscopic device into the cervix and uterus through the vaginal opening.
• Normal saline serum enters the uterus slowly and through the device to widen the uterus.
• The light and the camera connected to this device make it possible for the doctor to see the uterus and ostium of the fallopian tubes. This will help diagnose any abnormalities.
If this method is used in surgery, the surgical instrument will be inserted into the uterus through hysteroscopy for surgery.
Hysteroscopy is a painless procedure, but some patients will not feel well during it. Sometimes an anesthetic will be used to keep the patient calm. The amount of anesthesia and anesthesia depends on the purpose of the hysteroscopy and the area in question.
In the hysteroscopic procedure, unlike the old endoscopic procedures that were performed the incision on the abdominal surface, is made without any incisions on the skin and with much less pain. The recovery time is also much shorter. There are no cracks or cuts on the skin, and the patient can resume daily activities for a few days to a week at most.
If the goal of hysteroscopy is to diagnose, it will be done in a doctor’s office with local anesthesia. This is recommended for small polyps. However, in cases where this procedure is performed simultaneously with surgery, it will be performed in a hospital under anesthesia.
Hysteroscopic recovery period
Some patients will experience the following Cases after hysteroscopy:
• Muscle cramps
• Minor bleeding for a few days or more
• Pain in the shoulder (if carbon dioxide gas is used)
• nausea
• Dizziness or vertigo
The patient is able to eat and drink food immediately after this procedure.
If this procedure is performed under local anesthesia in the office, the patient can return home one or two hours later. However, if the patient is under anesthesia, she will need to stay in the hospital for a few hours until the effects of the anesthetic have resolved.
In some cases, painkillers will be prescribed by the doctor to speed up the healing process. If surgery is performed at the same time as the hysteroscopy, the patient should rest at home for a few days.
It is forbidden to have sex for almost a week. This prevents the transmission of infection.
Bathing, as usual, can be done.
The diet can continue as before. Eat simpler foods or yogurt only if you have a stomach.
Start taking blood thinners such as warfarin or aspirin with your doctor prescribe.
The patient must follow all the points and actions mentioned by the doctor exactly.
Does hysteroscopy have any side effects or risks?
Hysteroscopy is a completely safe procedure. However, in some cases, if the surgery is performed at the same time, the following complications may occur:
• Infection
• Scar formation in the uterus
• Severe bleeding
• Reaction and sensitivity to anesthesia or fluid used to clean the uterus.
See your doctor right away if you notice symptoms such as heavy bleeding, fever, or severe pain.
Your doctor will prescribe a hysteroscopy for a variety of reasons. This procedure has very few side effects, however, consult your doctor before doing so. The recovery period of this method is very short and fast, and the person is then able to do her work and activities.