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سندرم روکی‌ تانسکی

Rokitansky syndrome

This syndrome is a transcendental disorder that has the following characteristics:

These patients do not have a vagina, cervix or uterus. One in 5,000 women suffers from this disorder. Bone, hearing and kidney problems are also seen in this syndrome. The ovaries of these women are normal and function naturally like other women, and these women ovulate and produce female hormones that make them look healthy. The karyotype is normal.

How do I know if I have this problem?

During maturity, women usually find that they do not have a vagina, cervix or uterus. Although they show breast growth and excess hair, they do not menstruate. Because these women have ovaries and normal ovarian function, breast and hair growth can be seen, but the absence of the vagina and uterus means a lack of menstruation. Most women usually seek treatment when they are 15 to 16 years old. However, some women may have noticed that they are having problems when they have intercourse (sex).

What tests should I take?

Your General Practitioner (GP) will normally ask you questions and may examine you. Some General Practitioners may also refer patients to the hospital; Because they think that the best examinations in the hospital are performed by a gynecologist. Your doctor may order other tests, including:

The genetic test is for diagnosing your karyotype and diagnosing other genetic abnormalities.

Ultrasound and MRI: To confirm the absence of vagina, uterus, cervix and the presence of ovaries.

Women with this syndrome generally have 40% of developmental problems in the kidneys and urinary tract. 15% of these people have only one kidney. 10% of people with this syndrome have hearing problems, and 10% have changes and bone problems, and this encourages the treating doctor to request more experiment and tests.

Do I need a Pap smear test?

Because you don’t have a cervix or uterus, you don’t need a Pap smear.

Am I able to have comfortable intercourse (sex)?

Yes. Many people with this syndrome will be able to have a vagina by creating a vagina. In these people, there is a small amount of vaginal tissue that can be stretched to create a vagina. This is done using a smooth cylindrical device designed for this purpose, which is a hearing aid for the vagina. After this operation, you will be able to have intercourse (sex). You will also be taught about the treatment of dilators and supervised by a specialist nurse. This treatment and preference treatment admin, is for women who suffer from this problem at this center. Vaginal flushing has been successful in 90% of our patients who come to the center, and they have had a normal-sized vagina. If you have trouble completing a sedative treatment, you are advised to talk to a team of specialists and please note that once the size and length of the vagina has returned to normal, your treatment is complete and you can Stop to use dilators. In a small number of women, if they have already had surgery and their vagina is closed, surgery is recommended because of the adhesion. Our consultants will advise you if this method is right for you. Having intercourse (sex) with a sexual partner is a personal and intimate relationship that there is no reason for you to deprive yourself of a pleasurable sexual relationship. Once your vaginal size has returned to normal, you should enjoy your sexual intercourse normally. Although men’s penis size varies, and a man with a large penis may be a nuisance to you, and it may be a nuisance to any other woman, you should not need to enlarge during intercourse and have more vaginal stretching, and we’ll be happy if we can help.

Am I able to have children?

Because you are born without a cervix and uterus, you will not be able to have children. However, your egg can be removed, fertilized with your partner’s sperm, and replaced with another woman’s uterus. This procedure is called an alternative IVF, and it is genetically related to you and your partner. This method is offered privately in well-known centers and clinics. You and your sexual partner are advised to talk to your doctor. Your alternative to fertility is to take care of one child, and many couples have succeeded in taking care of the children.

Is it normal to feel angry and depressed?

Yes, many women and their sexual partners find it very difficult to accept these conditions, and they may experience feelings such as surprise, anger, depression, anxiety and frustration.

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